Rum is a distilled alcoholic beverage produced from sugar cane by-products such as molasses or directly from sugar cane juice by a fermentation and distillation process. The distillate, a clear liquid, is then usually matured in oak barrels. The Spanish terms ron viejo ("old rum") and ron añejo ("aged rum") are often used to describe the distillate.

The countries where sugar cane grows best are also the largest rum producers: Cuba, Jamaica, Haiti, Puerto Rico and the Dominican Republic. The Lesser Antilles like Martinique, Guadeloupe, Trinidad and Barbados are also known for their rum. In South America, the British Guyana (Demerara), Surinam, Brazil and Venezuela are well known rum producers. But also the USA, Mexico, India, the Philippines and Madagascar produce high-quality rum.

Rum has always been closely connected with seafaring. In the Royal Navy it was mixed with water or beer to produce grog. Even today, a large number of high-quality Navy rums are still produced.

The secret of every rum maker is which flavour-defining fermentation cultures he uses and what kind of yeast and bacterial cultures he uses. The colour of the rum depends on the storage. In stainless steel tanks it remains colourless, in burnt oak barrels the rum turns yellowish or brownish, and deep brown rum is often coloured with burnt sugar or caramel. Light rums are usually used in cocktails, while "golden" and "dark" rums are usually consumed pure.

There are many names for rum, which can sometimes cause some confusion: In Spanish it's called Ron, Rhum in French, and in German and English Rum.

You will find a selected selection of high-quality rums in our shop. Let you be inspired by our offer!

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